Inbetween Days

This is the feeling that has been my faithful friend in these months of home office and social distancing.

The feeling of being waiting for something to happen, in the middle of a river while you are ferrying from one shore to another without knowing how long it takes to get to the other side and with some doubts about the consistency of the raft. Anyway, these slight fears were quickly overcome. The relationship with colleagues, both professionally and personally, has improved and consolidated, and that it was a crucial aspect for me since I had recently joined the SISA team when the pandemic broke out.

In Italy restrictions to the mobility of people have been very severe and for about two months my family and I have never left the house except for food pickup. My bicycles, perfectly clean and scented with oil, remained hanging on the hook waiting for the time to put their wheels back on the tarmac. The schools close down and never reopened, left the children on a long early break only interrupted by a daily meetings of DAD….which is the Italian acronym for distance learning (Didattica A Distanza), a new term perhaps coined in this period.

While we were trying to catch a glimpse of the bank on the other side, the days from my home office window were getting sunnier and sunnier, longer and warmer. I noticed and almost concerned about nature that did not stop even if we were all standing still-waiting-inbetween, she went ahead and ran her course. Within a few days the chestnut forest was fully blooming and the roses in the garden blossomed!

Home office activities have always continued smoothly thanks to a solid and reassuring team spirit. Regardless of distance everything moved on with the same rhythm of nature and spring that was blooming outside the window. We haven’t suffered any seatback and everything ran with the usual efficiency. The hours spent in my home office have been the bridge between the normality of before and the return (or almost) to the new normality like in the famous piece of "The Cure" where the uncertainty of the "Inbetween Days" becomes the engine that drives you to move forward, to ferry and to go further.

For this I must thank SISA for putting us in the best possible situation and my colleagues who have always made me feel part of a team. All this has made it possible to never lose the direction.

Author: Andrea Valentini
Departement: Software development
Date: 02.06.2020

