Apprenticeship in times of work at home

Even in times of Corona, my apprenticeship is going on quite "normally" - at work as well as at school.

My name is Mirco, I am 22 years old and am currently doing an apprenticeship as a business IT specialist at SISA.

I was in quarantine from March 6th to 20th because I was in contact with someone suspected to be infected with COVID-19. Therefore I had to stay in quarantine for 2 weeks and was not allowed to have contact with anyone. My mother and my brother did the shopping for me and brought me the things I needed for these 2 weeks.

Fortunately I was not affected and so I could go back to work after these two weeks. However, I was only one day in the office to prepare myself and take along everything I needed to work from home. Now I work from home in my bedroom. I rearranged my desk in order to be able to work quietly.

Besides working from home, I have school twice a week. I will probably have e-schooling until June 8th. The teachers send us the exercises by e-mail, which we have to hand in by the end of the lessons. We communicate with Google-Meet. The teacher invites us to the conference, explains additional homework and is always available in case of questions. From 16 March until 8 June, the grades we get during this period will not be considered.

After work I do some exercises to get physically in better shape. Afterwards I go out and meet my friends, of course with a minimum distance of 2 meters and we are not more than 5 persons. For us it is important that we can still keep in touch, even if we don't undertake much.

For me it is a quite difficult in these times. Usually I always spent most of my time outside, going to the bar with my friends or going to a party on the weekend.

I can't wait for this crisis to be over soon and that I can return to normal life...

Author: Mirco Caruso
Departement: Technics & Helpdesk
Date: 05.05.2020
